Trail Hutは、デザインオフィスmdoのプライベートショップです。
simple cute & easy to use をキーワードに、ミニマムベーシックな製品を目指し、安心のMeid in Japanで提供させて頂いています。

商品の詳細などは、ブログ https://trailhut.wordpress.com で商品写真はinstagram trailhut_jp https://www.instagram.com/trailhut_jp/で御確認頂けます。

Thank you for your inquiry.

 If you wish to PayPal, you will receive the following response.
Please contact Trail Hut via e-mail trailhutshop@gmail.com

1 )Please put in the subject “purchase”.
2 )Please enter the product name, quantity and country in the text.

Note) There are countries and regions that can not be handled.
Note) Packing / shipping fee will be added uniformly JPY 1,500.

We will send back an order sheet filled with the order amount.

Trail Hut

Please contact me by e-mail, we do not correspond by phone,